Saturday, August 27, 2011

Interesting Brass clock

A cute little find today, a small brass and wood clock at the local thrift store. The front outer ring is solid brass that gives it a very nautical feel. The clock even has a brass cover over the back side electronics to hide them.
This will be going in my office!. ^^

Goggle bliss

Found a great old camera at a thrift sale while running errands. It had a great iris for a pair of goggles, as well as some other bits I'll share later. After some disassemble and remounting of the pieces, this is what we got. Not a bad start.^^

Thursday, August 25, 2011

All Aboard!!!

Welcome to,

We hope you will enjoy your trip with us as we explore the world of Steam and Steampunk, from real steam trains to huge air ships from another history. From real historic finds in our reality to elegant hand made Steampunk creations by us and other like minded people. So stoke your boiler, ease the throttle, and take off with us for steamy adventures!