One of the largest moving Steam Engines lies in rest in Omaha. She is a beauty to behold. Although it is not functional anymore, it's outer shell is in great condition. Big Boy UP4023 used to be on display near the airport for a few years but it was getting vandalized and broken into.So she was moved and stored in the back of a train museum till a new spot could be made for her at Kenefick Park.
Here is a view of Big Boy UP4023 and the diesel electric Centennial UP6900 atop Kenefick Park. Another designation for a Big Boy is a 4-8-8-4.
That means it has four small wheels up front, followed by eight big drive wheels, followed by another set of eight big drive wheels, and last four more small wheels.
Although I was not here for the move of the giant locomotives many other people did take pictures of it. It must have been a site to be seen coming down the road and then up the step hill to the top of the park.
More info on 4023 can be found all over the web, look for some future pictures with her. ^^